Monday, July 6, 2009

Hey, Kids, Rock And Roll

Guest Post Tuesday returns! Thanks for the review, Alec! REM is one of the coolest and most influential bands around, and I'm happy to have them up on this site. Enjoy, you guys.

REM - Automatic For The People (1992)

Hey, kids, rock and roll. So says Michael Stipe in the first song on what I believe to be REM's most significant album of their long and impressive career. Lots of REM albums use relatively similar rock styles in order to convey a mood or message, while Automatic for the People, while definitely mood driven, stands out from all their other albums in terms of musical style. Almost the entire album has a dark feel to it, much of the songs dealing either directly with death or with the effects it has on people, yet it is delivered in such a way that there's a calming effect despite the harsh subjects -- by the end of the album, you'll realize that this is one of the most soothing collections of music that you'll ever listen to. It's not what you would expect out of REM, but it's excellent nonetheless. I could give a detailed paragraph about each song, maybe more, but you should honestly just listen to it, as words can't possibly give an accurate description of the feelings that the album pours over you as it progresses.

Recommended Tracks: Drive, Sweetness Follows, Monty Got a Raw Deal
Genres: Rock, Alternative

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