Friday, July 10, 2009

It Commands You!

The Mars Volta are getting fairly famous, but what a lot of people don't realize is that the two main members of the band got their start in an awesome punk group called At The Drive-In. I even like ATDI a little more than the Mars Volta, to tell the truth. This is my favorite album by them!

At The Drive-In - Relationship Of Command (2000)

This album picks you up by your face and shakes you around through discordant guitar lines, shaking drum beats, soaring vocals, and labyrinthian words. ATDI are a punk band at their heart, but their music seems to stand on a genre of its own design; the band puts you at the epicenter of a hurricane of sounds that carry you far, far away from home. Lead vocalist Cedric Bixler-Zavala's singing matches well with guitarist's Jim Wards occasional shouts; their vocals dance around Omar Rodriguez-Lopez' intricate guitar melodies.

This was the last album by At The Drive-In before they split up to become Cedric and Omar's The Mars Volta and Jim Ward's Sparta. This album is the culmination of 7 years of hard work and it shows; it's a beautiful record and it defines its own genre. I love listening to this cd and I always forget to tell people about it, so now you know! Pick it up!

Here's a song! You guys seemed to like that from before:

Recommended Tracks: Arcarsenal, One Armed Scissor, Sleepwalk Capsules
Genres: Punk, Rock

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